My goal is for you to become the healthiest, fittest version of you imaginable.


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I know you know water is important. You know that, right? Dehydration can lead to a slew of health issues. It’s not just about being thirsty. Having enough water in your system makes your skin look younger! Think about it – sun-kissed skin tends to be more wrinkled because the sun is a moisture sucking behemoth of a heater. In ancient Egypt, the key to mummification was to remove all liquid from the body. Great idea if you want to be preserved for 3000 years, but not so good if you live here in the now. Dehydration can also lead to light-headedness, and even fainting!

So how much water should you drink? Well…. experts are all over the map on this one. Some say to drink half your body weight in ounces, so if you weigh 150 pounds, around 75 ounces of water per day. That’s a little under 1/2 gallon. Spread throughout the day, that should be a doable goal. Have a small glass (4-6 ounces) first thing in the morning. Keep a water bottle close by throughout the day.

Yes, you’ll have to pee more, especially starting out, but as your cells become continually hydrated, more liquid will stay in your body. So give it time.

The other thing is that water is great for taking with many medications. Some may even require a full 8 ounces to wash those pills down. Water helps dilute the meds and pushes them through your system at the speed in which they were intended.

Don’t like water? So many options here! Get yourself a SodaStream, and turn plain water into a party in your mouth! Best not to add flavored syrups, though. But why not a squidge of lemon or lime? Or add a few frozen berries, along with ice?

“But Linda, I can’t quit my soda!” And you know what? That’s okay. Just know that it’s not the best way to hydrate your body, and, in fact, is deleterious. So many sodas contain caffeine or other additives which can contribute to UN-wellness., from kidney stones to tooth decay. Take small steps to ween yourself off sodas. Really, plain ol’ water is the best.

Unless you’re sweating a lot, in which case you’ll want to add electrolytes to your water. Please, avoid the day-glow beverages found in the soda aisles at the grocery store. Read the nutrition labels and you’ll see why you should steer clear. There are many electrolyte powders that are safe and do the job quite well.